Any entrepreneur or intrapreneur can have business success..

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..but it is only those who surround themselves with a positive mindset environment that actually maintain that success and can expand to bigger and better things.

It sounds like common sense doesn’t it?

But maintaining a positive attitude and creating a positive mindset environment in the world of business can be difficult.

And while some individuals can brush off negative experiences, for others, it is not so simple.

So, what can you do if you’re not a Mary Poppins by trade?

That is what this article about ‘positive mindset environment’ is designed to help you achieve

– positive life success that you can apply to the business world, and use to your advantage to always remain one step ahead of the game, while still remaining inspired, happy and enjoying your life outside of the job.

Attaining an optimistic way of life is much easier than you think, but you must first have to want to make the change.

You can not simply borrow this positive way of looking at life every now and again as a pick me up when you’re down, because in the end it will benefit you very little.

This is a tough subject to address with some people because it can be the cause of a person’s failures!

This straight up true and irrefutable, even though many folks won’t want to admit it.

A home-based enterprise requires extra motivation, commitment, and time from you.

In most cases the person running the business is doing so alone or with very limited help.

It is because of this that it is imperative for you to have a BURNING desire to succeed.

Here are some short notes – followed by a longer examination of a positive mindset environment.


In order for your business to prosper, you must prosper both physically and mentally.

You are not able to run your business if you are physically sick and you can’t give your business all that it needs if you are mentally negative.

Physical fitness begets mental toughness.

Similarly, you can reinforce a “nothing will stop me” mindset by challenging yourself in your athletic pursuits or physical fitness routine.


A positive mindset environment is essential to the success of your home-based business.

A positive mindset is so crucial because of the Law of Attraction.

In simple terms, you tend to get what you expect to get.

Before you can create a successful business, you have to form a clear vision of what you want your business to become. If you constantly think and hope for a mediocre business then you are likely to get that or less.

OR even worse…

What if you don’t think you can do it? Will you?

I think Henry Ford said it best:

“If you think you can or you think you can’t…

…your right!”

Henry Ford


Aim as high as you possibly can so that even if you fall short of your vision, your chances of success are still good. Thinking positively excites your emotions and this helps to stimulate your creative spirit.

Your brain responds to stimuli. Expose yourself to positive stimuli and avoid the negative.
(This is scary, but try shutting off the TV for ONE DAY…then try two. It’s harder than you think.)

You will eventually begin to see more things as possible. Read the success stories of others who came before you. The more you absorb the positive mindset environment of successful men and women, the more you see yourself on the same path of success.

Those who expect negative things to happen, often experience negative things and fail as a result. A home-based
entrepreneur who has a negative mindset is likely to give up on their business the moment that an obstacle presents itself because it will be seen as impossible to surpass.(and not worth it!)

A home-based entrepreneur who has a positive mindset environment is likely to encounter success.

Having a positive mindset does not mean that your path will be free of obstacles, but someone with a positive mindset will find a way to get around them.

While it is not possible to completely expel all negative thoughts and influences from your life, it is possible to limit them.


How does a home-based entrepreneur stay positive; especially when you don’t have a strong support system?

Begin by steering clear of people who don’t support your business and attempt to demean you by making negative
comments. You must also remain positive so that when you are met with opposition you are able to dismiss it.

If you begin second guessing your abilities as a business owner because you let what others say affect you, then you
are not likely to succeed. Remember that the prosperity of your home-based enterprise is dependent on you.

This is why it is essential for you to stay positive in all situations and keep a positive mindset environment.

There are bumps and setbacks in everyone’s career. It is not so much the number of obstacles that you encounter that will determine the success of your business; it is your ability to get past these unfortunate events that determines how lucrative your business will become.


In order to succeed, you have to believe that nothing can stop you from obtaining your goals.

You don’t always get what you want, but you often get what you expect.

As a home-based entrepreneur you should constantly expect wealth, prosperity, and overall success.

Even if success doesn’t come to you in the manner in which you expect, your positive attitude can help you to put more faith in your business and new opportunities will present themselves.

A positive mindset environment does not guarantee success by itself, but it will help you a great deal.

Plan carefully, be patient, and remain positive through everything; and you will become a success.

I hope this helps

You may ask – “How do I get a more positive mindset environment and adopt a better positive business outlook?”

Maintaining-A-Positive-Mindset image

First of all it requires more than wishful thinking, it takes hard work, dedication, the courage to overcome failure and the drive to try and try again.

But what does being a successful entrepreneur mean?

It’s no secret that a successful business enterprise is what every entrepreneur seeks.

But have you ever wondered if success is only about making money, or is there something more to achieve than cold hard cash?

In truth, part of success is about gaining financial profit, but constant success goes beyond money, it’s also about being content and loving what you do and who you are.

Think about it, if you are not personally happy with your life outside of your work, how can you even hope to accomplish your goals if your only motivation stems from anger, sadness and frustration.

These negative emotions may give you the drive to succeed professionally, but they certainly won’t better your life, relieve stress or give you satisfaction.

So many hopeful entrepreneurs make the mistake of chasing the wrong business dream, because the only end they have in mind is profit through money.

Therefore, many will seek out markets that hold no personal interest to them, for the simple purpose that these markets are popular and potentially provide the current best success rate for revenue.

If you become one of these entrepreneurs, who’s only ambition in life is to make money, you’ll soon discover you are chasing a very desolate and empty dream.

Remember, money can bring brief happiness and opportunities, but it is how you live out, and learn from your experiences where true happiness is found and sustained.

That is why you need this page to help you discover if you are chasing the wrong dream as an entrepreneur, and show you how you can aim for higher goals that improve upon your business ethics and personal dreams.

In this post you will learn how to gain a positive attitude and positive mindset environment by using many of the elements that already surround your life, such as the people you love and respect, as well as role models who inspire you to do your best.

Let’s look constructively at different aspects that helps to make up the ideal environment that encourages positive success, so that by the end of the page you will fully understand how to:

  • Challenge yourself – Setting constructive goals that are within your reach
  • Manage Time – Making, recognizing and using time once wasted to your advantage
  • Build Rapport – Make strong relationships with family, friends and team members.
  • Think like a winner – Use the mindset of other successful business entrepreneurs.
  • Believe in your dreams – The confidence to take risks and the courage to try again.
  • Learn from Failure – use failure to your advantage by making sure you don’t repeat the same mistake twice, and better your ambitions.

By using all of these positive skills as an entrepreneur, there is no doubt that you will gain the power to overcome the darkest of days and soldier on into the light.

Are you ready to achieve positive success?
Let’s get started!

Do You Have the Mind of an Entrepreneur?

Positive mindset

To become a successful entrepreneur, you need to think and respond like one – in other words you need to have the correct mindset.

You may not have considered it, but you can only benefit from using the right tools of your mind, and influence your success as an entrepreneur.

Any successful entrepreneur will tell you that positive mental energy is one of the most important factors for achieving your goals.

While it can’t be expected that you remain positive forever, you can learn from other entrepreneurs, and study how to concentrate on training your mind for a positive mindset environment and constructive thinking.

This is especially useful when it comes to overcoming mistakes, boosting your confidence when taking risks, and to motivate you when you begin feeling extremely tired, and have the desire to quit.

Of course, the benefits of training your mind don’t end there, but they are certainly among the highlights. These are the type of things that even the most successful entrepreneurs recognize, and work to overcome.

Additionally, using your mind to motivate yourself to keep going, takes practice, but can give you strength, endurance and optimism that you never knew you had.

Truly, the power of the mind is astonishing for keeping you going, and doing your very best.

Thus, how does the mind of an entrepreneur function?

First of all, as you are probably well aware, it isn’t easy starting a business from scratch. That being the case, an entrepreneur needs to have and use a number of resourceful attributes that will get the business ball up and rolling.

Such attributes include:

  • Ambition – Having specific goals in mind in order to achieve success
  • Drive – The inspiration to take the steps in order to make the goals a reality
  • Ingenuity – The ability to invent and think innovatively
  • Motivation – using personal, and outside encouragement and enthusiasm from friends, family, role models and other successful entrepreneurs
  • Confidence – Believing in personal dreams and goals
  • Organization – Knowing how to manage time between business and personal affairs
  • Risk taking – the courage to take risks, in order to better oneself and grow in a business environment.
  • Go with the flow – If one goal fails, try again or move on to the next one
  • Self-discipline – The ability to work when necessary and take a break when deserved.
  • Focus – To recognize what is important and put all of one’s energies into it, to achieve the best outcome.
  • Determination working hard to get what you are after; success doesn’t always come easy.

You can develop the mind of a successful entrepreneur by using the above characteristics when determining your business goals, and by following these 3 essential entrepreneur rules:

Rule #1: You are not super human
Rule #2: Everyone Makes Mistakes
Rule #3: You have to love what you do

Understanding these rules will aid you in discovering your limits and finding out your true passions.

They will show you how you can create and maintain for yourself a healthy and happy lifestyle that equally balances you and your working self.

#1 Rule: You are not super human

Juggling your personal life and business career can become extremely tiring, stressful and frustrating, especially when life doesn’t go the way you planned.

Without a doubt, life will frequently throw many obstacles in your way, and that is why it is so important you know what you are getting into, and are realistic about your dreams before jumping head first into entrepreneurship.

Therefore, you need to take the time to ask yourself these important questions:

  1. Do you enjoy the business market you are in or are considering?
  2. Is your personal life stable and happy?
  3. Do you have more than one goal?
  4. What or who is your motivation?
  5. What inspires you?
  6. Do you have self-discipline?

If you are shying away from these questions, or are having a hard time convincing yourself with your answers, it’s time you learned how to take control of your life by implementing the first important step – be honest with yourself.

You must find out what it is you are unhappy with, or dislike about you or your life, and face it, before you can fix it and move on to bigger and better things.

To make this process easier, begin by identifying which elements require your attention.
Take a pad of paper, or sit down at your computer, and record everything you like and dislike about:

  • Your current business venture
  • Yourself and personal relationships.

Then from this list, carefully identify each point one at a time, and constructively think of ways in which you can overcome the negative aspects by turning them into a positive mindset environment.

For instance, let’s say hypothetically that on your list you have admitted that although you are an ambitious individual, you have little self-discipline.

Instead of becoming discouraged by recognizing this fault, accept it for what it currently is, and think about how to improve upon it by brainstorming ways in which you can discipline yourself.

For example, you may discover that your lack of self-discipline is due to:

  • A short attention span
  • Poor time management
  • Lack of motivation
  • Low self confidence
  • Little interest in the goal you have set for yourself
  • You have set your standards too high

These are just some of the many reasons why you could have little to no self-discipline.

By pinpointing the underlying causes of what you have identified as a personal fault, you can then start to work on fixing these issues.

Thus, if it so happens that part of your self discipline problems are due to setting your standards too high, you should re-analyze your goal and make it more accommodating and realistic to your lifestyle.

In other words, if you are married, have children, have another job or are an active member in your society, you need to take all of this into consideration when you set a goal.

Although your dream may be to build a corporate empire, an objective this big demands much of your time, which would leave little time for anything else.

Of course, if you only have yourself to worry about, you have the extra freedom to bury yourself in your goal, with little pressure from outside personal relationships.

However, if you do not have this luxury, after a while, you’ll begin to burn out, start shirking your duties to either your goal or your personal responsibilities.

You will begin to feel the negative effects take their toll on your motivation, suck the life out of your ambition – or worse – cost you the people you love.

By establishing some boundaries on my “business hours” I was easily able to set some realistic goals and maintain a balance in my life.

If you only focus on your business you will soon be very distracted from personal issues.

I suggest that you find your personal balance early on in your entrepreneurship.

Remember; know your strengths, learn from your weakness and stay realistic with your goals.

There is no satisfaction or success in time spent wasting away over an impossible dream – You’ll only discover later that life is too short, and the people in it too precious to miss.

#2 Rule: Everyone Makes Mistakes

Alright, so you’re not perfect.

Well guess what, neither is life or any of the other people in it.

That means there is only one thing you can do – make mistakes and then learn from them so you don’t make the same mistakes again. As an entrepreneur you need to accept the fact that failure happens, and it will happen to you, probably more than once.

That being the case, it is imperative that you learn to go with the flow.

Failure will never be easy to swallow, and more often than not, you won’t see it coming until it’s too late, especially if you really believed in your goal.

Never forget that you are not super human, and there is always a tomorrow.

All the same, there is no question that when you fail it is only natural for you to feel discouraged or disappointed, no matter how good your positive mindset environment is or your outlook on life may be.

With this in mind, the emotions you are most likely to experience when you fail include:

  • Shock – This is when it feels as if time is standing still, as you try to accept that your goal has failed.
  • Disappointment – After your failure has sunk in, you realize that your dream is gone and you begin to muddle over reasons why it failed, and enter the “what if” stage of wondering if you had done something different would you have been successful.
  • Fear of failing again – You have now become slightly discouraged, and are afraid to take another risk, fearing that another failure will be the fatal blow to your ambitions as an entrepreneur.

As was said before, these feelings are only natural; however you should not feed them by spending too much time moaning over your failure.

There is no reason why you should beat yourself up over a mistake you can’t change.

It certainly won’t make the mistake go away, nor will it make you feel better harping on the things you could have done in the past to make your goal work.

In the end, this type of self pity will only steal your energy that you could be using to figure out how you’re going to make your next goal even better.

Wallowing too long in self pity turns into obsession over failure, which leads to two poisonous characteristics you don’t want as an entrepreneur if you ever hope to be successful:

  1. Low self-esteem – After blaming yourself for so long, you begin to think you’ll always be a failure and will not even try to find the courage to take another risk or pursue another ambition.
  2. Depression – You have completely given up on your goals, and hate yourself for failing. Any hope for ambition you had left is now dust in the wind.

Although these are extreme examples, the point that is being made is that any negative emotion can escalate out of control if you let it. Therefore, use your mistakes to their full potential by extracting what was good about your last goal, and changing what failed to make your new goal even bigger and better than it was before.

Remember, it’s OK to grieve for your loss – just don’t give up on your dreams!

#3 Rule: You have to love what you do

If you want to be a successful entrepreneur it is imperative that you love the venture you are pursuing. When you are excited about your business, you will take the time to learn everything there is to know about it, and will strive to be innovative and on top of your game.

Loving what you do gives you:

  • Passion for your work
  • Belief in yourself and ambitions
  • Positive Energy to do what it takes to make your dream a reality
  • Creativity that allows you to expand a goal into more than one objective
  • Inspiration and motivation to keep your spirits soaring high

When each of these traits are put in motion together they give you the power to take confident risks, and improve your chances of getting your foot in the door.

On the other hand, entrepreneurs who are only out to make money as fast as they can, will usually choose to involve themselves in projects in current popular business markets that are of little to no interest to them.

Can they succeed?

Certainly. But the question isn’t whether or not this type of entrepreneur can be financially successful, rather the questions are:

  • Are they happy?
  • Are they personally fulfilled?
  • How long can they maintain their financial success?

No one can really answer these questions except for that entrepreneur.

However, being an aspiring entrepreneur yourself, try to answer the questions by thinking about how you would feel if you were a slave to a business enterprise that could only satisfy you with fast cash until that market died.

How long do you think money buys happiness?

Not only that, but what do you think would keep you more motivated to succeed – working for a goal you truly enjoy, or a goal you know very little about? This shouldn’t be a difficult question for you to answer, as long as you know what you want out of life.

Therefore if you haven’t figured out what really inspires you, it is time for you to do so by following these four points, before you end up chasing after a goal that will always remain beyond your reach:

Find your true calling – Everyone had hopes and dreams when they were a child. Use those dreams as your ambitions and motivation. Although you are now an adult, somewhere deep down, you are still the same kid waiting in hope for those dreams to happen.

If you can’t recall these dreams right away, take the time to think back

Make a list of all that inspired you then, to what inspires you now, and see if any of it has stayed the same or has changed. You may just discover the missing piece you’ve been waiting for to achieve your aim.

1. Put your natural talents into action – Often, you will find that your raw talents have something to do with the ambition you seek. Unfortunately, not everyone has a grasp on what they excel at, simply because they have become so familiar with being good at it, they don’t even realize it and take the gift for granted.

If you are in this position, it is time for you to visit your computer or pull out a pad of paper and a pen, so that you can begin recording down all of the things you remember being exceptional at.

The best place to start is to think about what you enjoyed and did well in at school, and continue from there. When you have completed your list, it is a good idea to show your list to someone who knows you well and can be honest with you. They will be able to tell you what they think of your findings, and may also be able to add to the list.

Relying on your natural gifts is essential to your success

..because they can be put to good use and give you the advantage, simply because you don’t have to learn them, they are ready and waiting to be employed. Plus, you are bound to excel and feel motivated when you do things you know you are good at.

2. Don’t ignore your values – Most entrepreneurs have values, just as you probably do. You should never ignore these values whether they are religious, social, personal, etc., because they are a big part of who you are, how you perceive the world, and also influence how you think and act.

That being said, you need to pursue goals that follow along the same path as your values, or you will have a hard time achieving the success you are after, as you won’t have faith in your own entrepreneurship.

3. Connect yourself with what you do – Mold your goals from your talents, values and interests, and once you know what you want, explore all of the entrepreneurship opportunities that apply to your goals. That is how you can make your ambitions a reality you can achieve, handle and enjoy.

The truly amazing thing if you choose to start an affiliate business.. I did is the fact that you can take essentially any interest you have and promote a product or service that relates to that interest and make a living of it.

Once you have realized these four steps, you can put a stop to chasing around someone else’s ideals, and return to the goals that truly capture your interest, so as an entrepreneur you can discover how to make your objectives a business success.

By loving what you do, already makes you a successful entrepreneur on your way to become even greater than you already are. You know what matters to you, and can stay true to your goals, because you are remaining true to yourself.

When all is said and done, you will know you have the mind of a successful entrepreneur, if you can admit to yourself that you have flaws, and that by realizing this, does not mean that you are or will be unsuccessful.

Instead it makes your chances for success even stronger.

Because making yourself aware of the weakness you have as an entrepreneur, allows you the opportunity to change by learning from your faults and mistakes.

Using your mind to motivate yourself to keep pursuing your ambitions, takes practice, but can give you willpower and confidence that you never knew you had.

The power of a positive mindset environment is astonishing for keeping you going, and is essential in order for an entrepreneur to do their very best.

Key Points To Remember:

  • Realize you are only human. You have many responsibilities. Try to find your personal balance of job, family and friends and business aspirations.
  • Everybody makes mistakes. Learn from them. Sure, spend minimal time mourning your loss but be quick to move on. Simply avoid making the same mistakes again. It is equally as important to learn what not to do as it is to learn what to do.
  • Passion for your work. Passion for your work will keep your drive alive.
  • Belief in yourself and ambitions. Ignore the nay-sayers, they are usually envious of you and lack the ambition that you have.
  • Positive Energy to do what it takes to make your dream a reality.
  • Creativity that allows you to expand a goal into more than one objective.
    Keep pen and paper with you at all times, you just never know when great new ideas will surface.
  • Inspiration and motivation to keep your spirits soaring high.

Thinking Like a Winner. Create a Positive Mindset Environment

Thinking like a winner is a task that is easier said than done. The reason is because maintaining a positive mindset environment and a positive attitude is difficult when your first instinct is to view things negatively.

You may wonder why you are so quick to jump on the negativity bandwagon, and the answer is simple: It is probably what you’ve been taught by the society you live in.

Sadly it is far simpler to think poorly of life, ourselves and other people because we are subjected to negative news and situations everywhere we turn. If you haven’t realized this, the next time you read the newspaper or watch the news, pay attention to how many positive stories are reported compared to the negative ones.

You will find that there is little to compare, as it is the negative news that sells. I have found a very easy way to deal with this myself, I simply don’t read the paper nor do I watch the news. With mainly negative stories being reported, the news sucks the life and drive out of me so I simply avoid it.

Why is it that we seem to be only interested in other people’s misfortunes?

Honestly, most of us are not, we’ve simply become used to it, and have learned to anticipate and expect it.

Because of this, when we hear something positive; it almost always seems to be an unbelievable shock, when in reality nothing that miraculous has happened – only something nice.

Whether you are aware of it or not, this negativity affects you, and the way you think about yourself and others. It makes it easier for you to automatically see the bad in a situation before the good.

Yet in theory, it is only easier because it is what you have become accustomed to.

Therefore, if you take the time to see the good in something instead of looking for the bad, you’ll discover that instead of finding contempt for the world we live in, you’ll find hope. And that’s the first step you need to achieve in order to start thinking like a winner.

Of course, thinking like a winner isn’t only about having a positive mindset environment and a positive attitude; it is about believing you can achieve your goals. Truly believing in yourself begins with accepting the person you are for better or for worse.

The desire to want to be someone you are not isn’t rational, nor will it help you attain your goal.

Your life is the only reality that should matter to you, so use the talents you possess to make your reality successful.

Aside from having to accept ones self, the other problem many people are faced with is they want to believe in their ambitions instead of just believing in them.

Wanting to believe and actually believing is the difference between thinking like an idealist compared to thinking like a winner.

Since, most of us are stuck in the phase of wanting to believe in our goals. We tend to keep holding ourselves back from taking the next crucial step of embracing our ambition, which may be due to lack of:

When you believe in your ambition, you become the beating heart and soul of it, and that is how you will make your dream real, by making it apart of who you are; thus, your own reality.

Therefore, in order to accomplish this you have to keep yourself motivated and trust in your abilities as an entrepreneur. You can do that by surrounding yourself with success stories, ideas and tips from entrepreneurs or other individuals whom you greatly respect and hold in high opinion.

You can find inspirational writing through:

  • Motivation
  • Courage
  • Self-esteem
  • Self-discipline
  • Or we could simply be following the wrong dream
  • Confidence

For example, there are numerous books out there that have been written by successful entrepreneurs who were once in your shoes.

Use these books to your advantage by identifying their stories, interpretations and ideas with your current goals, and you’ll be amazed at how words of inspiration can go a long way.

To help get your started, the following is a list of some of the motivational books available online and in stores that could give you the boost to your positive mindset environment you need:

  • Robert Kiyosaki – “Rich Dad, Poor Dad”
  • David Chilton– “The Wealthy Barber”
  • Peter Lynch – “Beating the Street”
  • John Rothchild and Peter Lynch– “Learn to Earn”
  • Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen – “Chicken Soup For the Soul: Living Your Dreams”
  • Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen – “The Power of Focus: How to Hit Your Business, Personal and Financial Targets with Absolute Certainty”
  • Jack Canfield and Mark Victor Hansen – “Dare to Win”
  • Napoleon Hill – “Think & Grow Rich”
  • Og Mandino – “The Greatest Salesman in the World”
  • David Schwartz – “The Magic of Thinking Big”
  • George S. Clason – “The Richest Man in Babylon”
  • Russel H. Conwell – “Acres of Diamonds”
  • W. Stone– “Success Through a Positive Attitude”
  • James Allen– “As a Man Thinketh”
  • Dorothy J. Hulst and James Allen – “As a Woman Thinketh”
  • Benjamin Franklin– “The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin”
  • Steven R. Covey, et al – “Mission Possible”
  • Steven R. Covey– “The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People”
  • Deepak Chopra – “The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success: A Practical Guide to the Fulfilment of Your Dreams”
  • Deepak Chopra – “Creating Affluence: Wealth Consciousness in the Field of All Possibilities”
  • Robert Allen et al – “Winnie-The-Pooh on Success: In Which You, Pooh and Friends Learn About the Most Important Subject of All”

These are only a few of the possibilities that await you, but you will find the more books you read about business and life success, the more you will be able to recognize the similarities that each story shares.

Once you can distinguish the traits that made these entrepreneurs successful, you can then begin to adopt some of the characteristics and use them to further fuel your passions for your goal.

You should also make sure you take the time to socially connect with the people you know whose success you admire and who understand your entrepreneurial goal.

Take the time to talk to them about their achievements, and listen to what they have to say. You can learn many fantastic entrepreneurial basics you may not have thought about, that could very well be the key to your success.

Furthermore, when you associate with those who are courageous and innovative, you’ll be encouraged to think like them and expand your horizons. If you do not know anyone who is in your same entrepreneur field, there is no reason why you should feel alone or not make the effort to seek out those who understand your position.

The best place to look is online.

You will find there are a number of ways you can seek guidance through forums, chat rooms and email correspondence however I do caution you to not revisit a forum if it full of whiners and those with bad attitudes. Use all of these resources to your advantage, and you’ll boost your ambitions.

Aside from seeking advice and motivation from other entrepreneurs, you will also want to surround yourself with the people you love and respect for support and inspiration. These individuals whether it is your spouse, children, friends or other family members, believe in you, even at times when you don’t.

Those who believe in you are essential for your goal to become a success, so keep them close to you, because when the going gets tough you will know who you can turn to help keep your dream alive.

My wife is the one that encourages me and provides the inspiration and support during the tough times.

I do to this day have moments where my motivation is low and my wife is always there to encourage me and point out the positives.

In addition, thinking like a winner is also about not giving up. In the end, it doesn’t matter how many mistakes you make, failures you encounter, or how many times you have to start from scratch, never, never, never give up!

As long as you continue to do your best and give your ambitions everything you’ve got, you’ll continue to think like a winner.

Finally, use your positive attitude to its full potential by turning positive wishes you already possess into positive planning. Just by changing a single word in a statement you can give a whole new definition to your ambition.

For instance, take a look at the examples below:

  • I wish to attain…
  • – My goal is to attain…
  • I Hope I can achieve…
  • – I Know I can achieve…
  • I want to make…
  • – I will make…

Isn’t it amazing how a single word of action or confidence can make all of the difference to the way you perceive your objective?

This is how you can give yourself the incentive to take the next step and believe in your dreams by putting them into motion.

Never forget; winners succeed because they always think on the bright side of life, and more importantly they don’t give up!

Key Points To Remember:

  • Positive thinking can be difficult when you are surrounded by a world of negativity. Learn to tune it out and turn it off.
  • Start thinking about creative ways to turn the negative into a positive mindset environment.
  • Foster a belief in yourself. Read success stories from others you have achieved what you want. You will soon see a common thread amongst these stories – a belief that success would come.
  • Seek motivation from positive books, magazines, seminars and websites.
    Quite often I will attend free work at home seminars just to meet other entrepreneurs. While the goal of these free seminars is to get you to buy something – my goal is only to talk to other entrepreneurs.
  • Find support from friends and family. Make note of who in your personal life has belief in you and be sure to speak with them during those times you need a motivational lift.
  • Never, never, never give up! If you are always pursuing your goal it is inevitable that it will happen.

Building Rapport Within Your Surroundings

Although you are the only one who can achieve your goals, it is important that you recognize the people around you who have helped you along the way, and provide them with the same support, time, encouragement and respect what they have given you. Build them in to your positive mindset environment.

This is what is known as building rapport within your surroundings, and is how you not only encourage and maintain a relationship, but also how you improve upon it. By building rapport you let the people who matter to you know how much you value them, and is how you will keep them close to you.

Whether you have realized it or not, there are different people in your life whom you depend on for some form of emotional support. Even though you may not have the same lifestyle as the next entrepreneur, your surroundings may include:

  • Your Family: partner, children, mother, father, brother, sister, etc.
  • Your Friends
  • Your business partner

Staying connected with those who are personally important to you will keep you up to speed with what is going on in their lives, and allow you the opportunity to offer support or even ask for help.

Sometimes it isn’t easy to keep in touch with everyone, especially when you become busy with your entrepreneurship, and are tied up in all of your other daily life responsibilities. However, just because you are busy, this doesn’t mean you should put your personal relationships on hold.

The last thing you will want to do is allow yourself to fall into the habit of making excuses of why you can’t call, visit or take a moment to give your time to someone else. Just as you strive to be recognized as a credible entrepreneur by fellow businesses and customers, you should also make the effort of having credible relationships with the people who know and love you.

Building rapport is like building trust and credibility.

You can build rapport with your friends and family by simply putting these four fundamentals into action.

Make the effort to communicate by:

  1. emailing
  2. phoning
  3. writing a letter

Just because you don’t have the time to visit someone, doesn’t mean you can’t take 5 or 10 minutes to call them and ask how they are, or send them a quick email.

These are things you will want to get into the habit of doing. It doesn’t have to be an everyday event, but if you discover that you are not able to spontaneously check in with those you care for, you may find scheduling a day during the week to communicate with some of them, will fit better into your lifestyle.

For instance, arrange to call your friend every Tuesday evening to touch base.

This type of scheduling isn’t designed to make you rigid in the sense that you train yourself to only talk to this individual on Tuesday’s. Instead it is to ensure that even during your busiest weeks you will at least have made the effort to talk to them once.

The above examples of communication are for those important people in your life whom you don’t live with, and thus does not necessarily apply to your immediate family.

Therefore, when it comes to communicating with a partner or children, making time to do this should be much easier, and is essential to establishing good rapport within your home life surroundings.

One of the best times to communicate at home is during dinner. If it is at all possible, make it a point to eat dinner together, and instead of watching the TV, find out what is going on in the life of your kids and/or partner.

Finally, just as you need to open up to the people you love, it is also essential that you listen to them. After all, rapport is built when two people equally communicate in a relationship.

Keep your promises

In order to keep your word to someone else, you must first know how to keep promises to yourself. Each time you pursue your goals and make the most of them, regardless if they fail, you are making a commitment to yourself, and that will always make you successful because you have learned to believe in yourself.

Just like following your own goals, when you make a commitment to do something with or for the people you care about, follow through with it. Sometimes it is hard to keep a promise, but in the end it is much harder to gain back the credibility you lose once you continue to break your word.

If you can learn to keep promises in personal relationships, you will build rapport within your surroundings, and as an entrepreneur will show future team members and customers that your promise is worth more than words.

Keeping promises is all about being honest with yourself and with the people who matter. That being said, life happens, and sometimes you will have to make choices and sacrifice certain commitments in order to fulfil other more pressing matters.

When this occurs, let the person whom you had plans with know as soon as possible that you can’t make it.

First and for most apologize, explain your reasons briefly, and then offer to make it up to them at the earliest, convenient time. Usually, people will understand your situation, and although disappointed, will be glad that you were honest with them.

That being said, once you have made arrangements for the second commitment, it is imperative that you do everything in your power to meet it.

Breaking your word a second time will begin to damage your credibility with that person, and will also make it easier for you to subconsciously continue to back out of any new engagements you make with them.

It only takes a few times before the individual begins to perceive you as a flake, or worse, think you don’t care about them, and lose faith in you altogether.

Think about it.

If you had arranged to do something with a friend, and that friend broke his or her promise more than once. Eventually all of the reasons they give you will sound like excuses of why other people or things mean more to them then you do.

Once you begin to feel these negative emotions towards your friend, sooner or later you won’t be interested in getting together with them, or even hearing what they have to say.

Therefore, keep your promises and refrain from making promises you don’t intend to keep. Making and meeting a commitment is about establishing honesty and dependability, which are two of the most complimenting traits you could ever have as an entrepreneur and as a person.

Have the integrity to realize that if you know you can’t commit to a promise, be realistic and don’t make it in the first place.

Know where your priorities lie

You should always include those you personally care about in your ambitions by making it one of your goals to address their needs and happiness and make it a top priority on your list.

If you are spending too much time pursuing your own goals, you will begin to ignore what is most vital to you – the people whom you love that surround you. Thus, although succeeding as an entrepreneur is important to you, it should never take top priority over the well being and happiness of those you care for.

For instance, if you have children, you won’t want to miss out on some of the most important moments of their young lives, because you will never again be able to experience what you lost with them, and will never be able to shake the regret you feel. However, your ambition isn’t a person, so you will always have the opportunity to improve upon and work towards you goals, regardless of your age.

Remember, if you have a will, there is a way. When you keep your family and friends happy, you in turn will feel happy, comfortable, supported and inspired to work for your goals as an entrepreneur. On the other side of the coin, if those you love aren’t content and need your presence more than you are providing, you won’t feel happy and will instead feel the sting of guilt that occurs when you place those you love after your ambitions.

Give yourself a break

Last but not least you need to build rapport with yourself.

It may not have occurred to you, but just as it is possible to become overly selfish, it is also possible to become too selfless, or even robotic when it comes to taking care of concerns that primarily effect you and your mentality.

This often occurs when you overwhelm yourself with too many priorities, and you don’t take the time to relax and clear you head.

How can you afford to take a moment to relax? Easy, stop being so hard on yourself and every once in a while enjoy a well deserved break. If you don’t allow yourself to take a breather every now and again, you will become overly stressed, which will eventually begin to take a toll on the way you work, and how you respond to those around you.

In short, your patience will wear thin and you’ll feel burned out.

We’ve all experienced it: the stressful week when despite your positive mindset environment, nothing seems to be going right, and the more you try to get ahead, the further you seem to fall behind.

If this happens to you take a moment to S-T-O-P:

Step outside – Get out and take a walk, go for a drive, go shopping or go visit a friend to help clear your head.

Take a breather – Watch a movie, some television, read a good book, listen to music or even lie down for a nap to take your mind off what is bothering you. Sometimes even exercising, taking a shower or a bath can help give you the refresher you need.

Open up – Every once in a while it never hurts to complain or vent your frustrations to someone. More often than not, you will discover that you are not alone in feeling stressed, and it may help you to relieve some of your anxiety by opening up or listening to someone else’s problems.

Play – Spend some time with your partner, friends or kids and enjoy playing an outdoor activity, an electronic or board game together. You’d be amazed at how something so trivial can make all of the difference in the world.

It never hurts to give yourself a break

..because even though you may feel taking a break isn’t solving any of your problems, in actuality, stressing yourself out further by not taking the time to relax is only making your problems worse.

If you learn to go with the flow and take life one day at a time, you’ll discover that leaving the world behind for a few hours will do wonders for both your physical and mental health.

Remember, as long as you can manage and remain true to these four fundamentals, you will have no problem building a strong rapport within your surroundings and building a positive mindset environment.

Because whether you like it or not, those you care about have an impact on how you feel, think and perform.

Make it one of your goals to be good to yourself and those around you and you’ll find the rapport you gain, will be the strong wall you can lean on when times are tough, and success seems so far away.

Key Points To Remember:

Value those who have helped you. Remember that they have support you and it is your duty to support them.

Communication. Stay in touch with those who are important to you – Make the time.

Keep your promises to both yourself and those in your life.

Keep your priorities in focus.

Take a break from you business endeavors. Remember to S-T-O-P

  • Step outside
  • Take a breather
  • Open Up
  • Play

Goals for Success Within A Positive Mindset Environment

The best fundamental psychological tool for achieving the best results from your entrepreneurship is to set goals and know how to follow through on achieving those goals.

In theory, setting goals is a very easy task. For example, “I want to create a successful business.” However, as great as that goal is, it does not provide you with a way in which to achieve your aim.

The following is a guideline that can help you achieve your goals as an entrepreneur:

State your goal as a positive statement (“do”, instead of “don’t”)

Be precise about your goal

(state dates or a measurable amount of achievement so that you can know when you have achieved your goal)

Set priorities (so that when you have several goals, you won’t feel overwhelmed, you’ll know which ones are the most important).

Write your goals down – this solidifies your goals and gives them life.

Writing down your goals brings them into the “real world” – They are now a tangible object that you can see. Something amazing starts to happen when you put something down in writing. Make sure you keep your written down goals somewhere that you can see them – seeing your goals will greatly help to keep you on track.

Keep your operational goals small (having many smaller goals is better than one large goal, since it’s easier to see your progress and stay motivated). An example of this was my initial goal of earning $10000 per month.

$10000 per month to start is a huge goal so I broke this down into 4 separate goals of $1000, $3000, $7000 and then $10000 per month.

What this did was allowed me to see and track the effort it took to earn $1000 per month.

I could easily plan my activities as a result of setting a smaller goal but most importantly I gave me the sense of accomplishment as apposed to that of defeat.

You see, by setting your goals to high you can sometimes fall into the trap of feeling like you have failed.

Instead of setting an outcome, set a performance goal

(This way, you have control over your achievement. Nothing is more dispiriting than failing due to reasons beyond your control, such as bad business environments, or just plain bad luck).

While in the bullet point above I talk about my financial goals as an objective, this point seems to contradict that. But I could see what I believed I needed to do to accomplish the next smaller goal so I set goals such as

– it took me only building one website to attain a revenue stream of $1000

– my reasoning was then “ok, so if one website generates $1000 per month for me then for me to make $3000 per month I will probably need three websites”.

So the goal setting focus for me became planning the activities around producing my next 2 websites – which incidentally brought me right up to my ultimate goal of earning $10000 per month.

The performance goal was set based on activities that could be easily and readily achieved – building 2 more websites was very easy for me to accomplish whereas earning $3000 per month from my three websites might have only earned me say $1500 per month which might have discouraged me.

Market conditions do fluctuate throughout the year due to various reasons – peak selling seasons or the economy in general can impact earnings.

So, by setting the goal of building 2 more websites I had set an operational goal that I could achieve.

Be realistic about your goals – set goals that you can achieve, and don’t be influenced by others who try to set goals beyond your abilities. You can always set another goal if you discover that your first goal was not high enough).

Don’t set your goals too low (otherwise, you will slow down your progress, become lazy, and simply won’t achieve your maximum potential).

When you do achieve one of your goals, make certain that you have taken the time to enjoy the satisfaction of having accomplished your desire, by allowing yourself a well deserved break.

It is also important to make certain to absorb the implications of the achievement of your goal, and have a look back at the progress you have made.

You should also look at the progress that you have made towards other goals.
If the goal was especially noteworthy, make sure that you reward yourself appropriately.

Rewarding yourself doesn’t have to cost you a lot – just do something you enjoy and forget about everything else for a while.

Through the experience of having achieved your goal, take a look at the rest of your goal plans:

If :

  • your goal was achieved with too much simplicity, and provided you with little profit, make sure that you aim a little higher next time, and take more risks to expand your opportunities.
  • your goal can’t seem to get off the ground, and you find yourself becoming dispirited, this could be because the goal you have set is beyond your reach or doesn’t interest you. If this occurs, it’s time for you to pursue a new goal.
  • you’ve learned something along the way to achieving your first goal, that would lead you to change your second goal – change it.
  • while you achieved your goal, you noticed that one (or a few) of your skills are lacing, decide if you should be setting new goals to remedy this.

Remember, just because you don’t meet your goals, doesn’t mean that you haven’t been successful. You can learn from the experience, and work these lessons into your future goal-setting program.

Moreover, your goals will change with your experiences and as your business skill develops. Therefore, you should adjust your goals regularly so that they reflect the targets that you wish to achieve.

It is important that your goals continue to hold an attraction for you, otherwise, you won’t be motivated to continue to seek them out. If your goals don’t attract you anymore, let them go, and set a new one.

A goal should bring you the pleasure and satisfaction of a sense of achievement when you have attained it.
Another great way to achieve a goal is to begin with the end in mind. A successful ambition needs a focused goal.

Therefore, think about what you are aiming to accomplish and go after it.

The fact remains that no matter what your goal, to get there you have to start correctly, by beginning with the end in mind. If you aren’t doing this, then you are only wandering aimlessly.

Ask yourself: “Where am I trying to go with all of my efforts?”

If you are unable to answer this question, you won’t be able to get very far…simply because you won’t know the best way to achieve your goal, nor will you recognize it once you have accomplished it.

Therefore, to make sure that you’re always making your best progress, ask yourself where you’re trying to be, and then keep your eye on your goal. If you don’t know the answer to the question “where am I trying to go with all of my efforts?” then your top priority right now is to consider this question, until you can come up with a reasonable answer to which you can set your goals.

This may require a great deal of thought – where you need to ponder it for a length of time, lying down with your eyes closed – or you may find that it is an answer that comes naturally to you, but you’d just never considered it before.

It is not vital that your answer to the question be absolutely perfect. After all, you can always alter or change your answer as you progress.

But if you don’t have a goal in the first place, you won’t know whether or not it’s right or wrong for you.

And you won’t be able to answer these critical questions:

  • How are you going to get there?
  • What is your plan?
  • Is it a good plan?
  • How do you know it’s a good plan?
  • Are you sure?
  • Everyday are you doing something to get you closer to the end?

Never underestimate the power you have over your own fate.

You are in control of your own future.

Stay focused, and keep the end in mind as you take action, and you’ll get there.

Furthermore, motivation and confidence are two of the most essential “thinking like a winner” basics that can also really help your goals achieve success, as they can be easily enforced through an extremely simple concept known as positive self-talk.

Positive self-talk is a tremendously powerful tool you can rely on to help you out inside your positive mindset environment.

It is used by many entrepreneurs and works no matter what the situation, regardless of how good or bad it seems.

All you have to is talk to yourself, and tell why things aren’t as bad as they appear, and inform yourself how you’ll fix things.

A simple, yet powerfully effective example includes repeating the following to yourself:

  • I am one of the best entrepreneurs in the world, I will be successful soon.
  • I am one of the best entrepreneurs in the world, I will be successful soon.
  • I am one of the best entrepreneurs in the world, I will be successful soon.

The above statement is just an example. My personal example for positive self
talk is from a fortune cookie slip that reads:

You will meet with much success.

Fortune Cookie

To this day I have that fortune cookie slip displayed prominently on my desk.

Early on in building my business I would very frequently question “why am I bothering to do this” and all I had to do was look up.

My question was answer and my thoughts became “oh yeah, I am doing this because I am going to meet with much success.”

And I did!

This may seem to be extremely simple, but if you say the words, and believe them, no matter how bad the situation is, and no matter how you got yourself there, your mind will be working to get you out of it by telling yourself that everything is fine, and it will all be over soon.

Naturally the above example isn’t the only words you can use for self-talking. You should make up your own words to repeat for any bad situation that you can think of.

But positive self-talk also isn’t limited to bad situations. It can also make advantageous positions even better.

When coming up with positive self talk phrases, think of a good situation as well as one of the worst situations that you can come up with. As you think up each situation, try to create two or three phrases that can encourage you to do much better.

Then, test them out when you take risks and put your goal into action and see how they work.

If you find that they aren’t quite doing the trick, just keep thinking up new phrases and practice them until you discover the best one for you.

If you aren’t yet using positive self-talk and a positive mindset environment, those people who are using it have a substantial advantage over you.

These are the people who are beating you.

Every successful entrepreneur in the world knows this, and therefore incorporates positive self-talk into his or her ambitions in some form or another, because they know it works.

As you can see there are many ways in which you can make your goals successful.

All of the tools already exist within you.

You simply need to discover them, and have the courage to use them.

Remember, you’re the only one who can make or break your success – begin with the end in mind, trust your instincts and go for it!

Key Points to remember in our quest for a positive mindset environment:

  • Create an overall goal for yourself
  • Write down your goals
  • Subdivide your main goal into several smaller goals
  • Reward yourself upon achieving each smaller goal you have achieved
  • Keep the end in mind as you strive towards your goals.
  • Change your smaller goals as you need to attain your end goal.
  • Develop a positive self-talk mantra that you constantly repeat to yourself (and others if they ever question why you are doing this)

Planning for Success, but Not Carving in Stone

So far, this article has given you ideas and the incentive on how you can use a positive mindset environment and attitude and mindset to feed your ambitions and give you the focus and courage to go after your goals.

However, by now you might be wondering “what do I do if I fail?”

That is exactly what this section is here to teach you; how to be flexible and use failure to your advantage when planning for success.

When you make plans for success, you will be able to devote all of your attention to getting your work done, without the hassle of trying to figure out your goal and working for it at the same time.

Having a focused plan gives you organization and allows you to get the most out of your ambition.

That being said, although it is important that you stay focused on your goal, you will want to make sure that you don’t make the mistake of adopting a one track mind.

The problem entrepreneurs with a one track mind have is that they can not see past anything further than their goal, and in so doing put all of their eggs into one basket.

While they do still possess the drive and motivation to get there, they don’t have a back up goal to pursue because they believe solely in the success of their current aim.

Thus, the outcome of the entrepreneur with a poor positive mindset environment and only a one track mind is often disastrous when failure strikes.

In my core business of affiliate marketing there are changes happening constantly. An example of this is search engines, such as Google, updating ranking algorithms. I can remember one Google update that wiped out all many search rankings which directly impacts my income.

The only source of website traffic for me at that time was the free search listings.

My plans at that time were to produce more and more search engine content pages but I found by constantly pursuing these changing algorithms I was not producing the results I wanted. It was time for a change in my plans.

By not limiting my thoughts and changing my plans I was able to get back on my feet and even produced at higher levels than ever.

Never forget that the mind is a very powerful thing.

It has the power to do almost anything you want it to do. It also remembers things very well. This is what makes the famous saying “It takes 21 days to break a bad habit“ such
a likely one.

If you have a bad habit, it will take 21 one days of straight corrective practice in order to break it.

Do you think having only one dream is a bad habit to form?

Maybe you think not taking risks and fearing failure is a bad habit to form?

Hopefully, you do.

Otherwise, you are not putting into practice the critical mindset that being a successful entrepreneur is all about:


This means that while you are working towards your goals, you are either learning good or bad habits. It isn’t hard to discover which kind of habit you want to learn: good ones!

Of course no one wants to fail; it makes you feel like a loser or worse incompetent.

For example, failing is like a rich person that is used to getting anything they want, when they want it.

Then all of a sudden they lose everything.
They’re broke.
Sometimes these people even go out and commit suicide.
Why, because they’re broke?
That‘s not it.

It is because they are in shock; they don’t know how to handle it. The fear of having to start over, which can be positively overwhelming. They’re embarrassed of what their peers will think, etc.

You don’t want to be like this.

For all practical purposes, quitting or not having any other goals to fall back on is like committing suicide as an entrepreneur. Thus, remember your ambitions, remember to learn, and remember to enjoy your goals.

In the world of business, sometimes it can become very difficult to keep momentum, which can take a toll on your positive mindset environment and positive attitude and escalate fears of failure.

There will be times when things will happen that are simply beyond your control.

That is why you can’t lead yourself into a false sense of security in thinking that just because what worked for another entrepreneur will work for you.

Every time you go after your goals you are taking a risk, and with any risk there is no guarantee.

Hence, the point is that you should never carry fears of failure with you, or let it bother you for a long time, even though it’s an easy enough thing to do.

Letting less-than-perfect moments fester over time, allowing them to mess with your positive mindset environment and positive thoughts, and bother you, even when you are not actually pursuing a goal affects they way you live out your personal lives.

The fact is, that letting these things bother us, no matter how significant they may seem, is completely foolish.


Because mistakes are bound to happen and moaning over them won’t change what has already come to pass.

It’s as simple as this: if you don’t learn how to control your fears of failure, you will have a long road ahead of you.

Lose your fear now.
Don’t care; just let it go, or it will ruin you.

Once you allow yourself to release your fear, you will then be able to clearly focus on learning new theories, ideas, and techniques, and gain the positive energy that comes with true learning, such as letting go of the one track mind, gaining real experience and knowledge from your business skills, setting proper goals, focusing, flow, and using your energy in the right way.

Furthermore, you can keep your fears in check by distancing yourself from negative influences. Surround yourself with positive people, and you’ll realize that every day offers a fresh start.

To begin successful planning, avoid being a single-minded entrepreneur who focuses on just one goal.

Instead, follow two essential rules for effective planning:

Rule #1 – Set multiple goals.
Rule #2 – Learn from your failures.

As mentioned in the “Do you have the mind of an entrepreneur?” section, failure is inevitable. No one aims to fail, so it’s often unpredictable, especially when you’re deeply invested in your goal. However, failure teaches you far more than success ever will.

After experiencing your first setback, you’ll understand the value of keeping that positive mindset environment and having a backup plan and that relying entirely on one goal is risky.

Failure, although painful, is a powerful teacher. It reveals your weaknesses, helps you sharpen your skills, and builds resilience. Without it, growth is limited. Here are some important lessons you can learn from failure, both in life and business:

Lesson #1 – Success and Failure Coexist: While there’s always room for success, failure is an inevitable part of the entrepreneurial journey. More businesses fail than succeed in a capitalistic society, and you’ll encounter setbacks along the way. To navigate this, establish your business in a field you truly enjoy and set multiple goals to create diverse paths toward success.

Lesson #2 – Stay in the Game: Aside from having a strong support team, maintaining cash flow is essential for success. Take risks you can afford, and avoid overextending yourself. Established competitors can easily knock you down if you aim too high too soon. To stay in the game, take small, manageable steps toward your goal while staying informed about business trends.

This way, if failure occurs, you’ll only take a small step back rather than being completely derailed.

Keep a close eye on expenses and save where possible by opening a dedicated savings account, bringing coffee and lunch from home, and cutting unnecessary costs like subscriptions. Success starts with willpower, and saving money is a key aspect of maintaining control over your entrepreneurial journey.

Lesson #3 – Balance Ambition and Focus: Ambition is crucial for continued success, but too much can lead to overwhelm. Focus on mastering one market or goal before expanding, ensuring you understand it better than your competitors. However, avoid becoming too rigid. Be willing to take calculated risks to keep learning and growing, but pace yourself to extract the most from each experience.

Lesson #4 – Stay Realistic: If a goal is beyond your current reach, have the patience to work toward smaller, achievable successes first. Know your limits, balance your priorities, and avoid taking risks that could jeopardize your lifestyle or family. Success is a gradual process, and keeping your expectations realistic will help maintain that balance.

Lesson #5 – Adapt and Go with the Flow: Entrepreneurship requires flexibility and resilience. Be ready to shift your focus when a goal fails, and adapt to uncontrollable changes. Letting go of one goal and pursuing another is key to surviving and thriving as an entrepreneur.

How can you learn to go with the flow?

Live one day at a time

Keep up to speed with the business world

Practice patience

Let go of regrets and accept mistakes

Broaden your focus (Don’t put all your eggs in one basket!). It may take time to adapt to life’s unpredictability, but once you learn to go with the flow and take things day by day, you’ll notice a significant drop in stress. Why worry about things you can’t control?

Lesson #6 – Patience is a Virtue: Achieving your goals requires patience. Success doesn’t happen overnight. With patience, you maintain a clear, rational positive mindset environment, even in the face of failure. Small wins, setbacks, and gradual progress all offer valuable lessons, allowing you to become an expert before moving forward.

Lesson #7 – Don’t Give Up: The most important lesson as an entrepreneur is persistence. Giving up places your dreams out of reach, not because you’ve failed, but because you’ve chosen to abandon your goals. As long as you keep going, success will come, even if it takes countless attempts.

By embracing these lessons, failure transforms into a positive learning experience that brings you closer to your goals. Remember, no matter your age, there’s always something to learn from your experiences, good or bad. Personal growth comes from these lessons, helping you improve, plan, and sustain your success.

Key Points to Remember:

  • Above all, don’t give up. Persistence is the most crucial ingredient for success—keep going, and you’ll get there!
  • Success and failure go hand in hand. With failure comes knowledge and strength.
  • Stay in the game by setting aside funds for tough times.
  • Keep ambition in check. Too much ambition can lead to burnout, while too little may result in stagnation.
  • Stay realistic. Achievable goals maintain balance and earn support from those around you.
  • Adapt to life’s ups and downs. Flexibility is key.
  • Be patient. While overnight success is rare, success is on its way.

Finding Time

How many times have you said, “I don’t have time”? Likely more than you can count. You’re not alone. Balancing goals, family, and work often feels overwhelming, especially when life constantly throws unexpected challenges your way.

Even with good time management, it’s easy to get derailed and find yourself back at square one. A major reason for this is living in a fast-paced, capitalistic society that pressures everyone to meet impossible deadlines.

Constantly racing to stay ahead often leaves you feeling even more behind, creating frustration and stress.

This can become exceedingly overwhelming and often causes negative emotions such as:

  • Worry
  • Stress
  • Anxiety
  • Frustration

The problem with the “vicious cycle” is you get so caught up in it like everyone else that you don’t know how to stop, until you’ve burned out and become completely fed up.

If you continue to follow this way of living, you will never be able to allow yourself to find the time for that which is truly important to you – your goals. That being said, this chapter is here to teach you how you can manage your time, so you can plan and make your goals happen.

To start with, you say you can’t find the time.
I say, yes you can and here are your solutions:

  1. Use time already wasted
  2. Make time.

How can you use time already wasted when you have no time in the first place?

Well if you stopped to think about all of the things you do in one day, and how much time you actually waste in between each task, you’d be surprised how much it adds up.

For instance, here are all of the ways in which people waste time:

  • Commuting – (on a bus, train, etc.)
  • Bathing – (taking a shower or a bath)
  • Exercising – (moderate exercises that include walking, jogging or low
    Impact routines)
  • Making Meals
  • Washing the dishes
  • Waiting for Laundry
  • Doing household chores
  • Gardening
  • Watching T.V.
  • And the list can go on and on

Hopefully by now you are keeping a positive mindset environment and getting skilled with being able to do more than one thing at a time. As you should have noticed, each of these time wasters listed above are generally mindless tasks.

Therefore, although you physically need to perform to get these jobs done, your mind is free to wonder aimlessly.

Instead of allowing your mind to daydream or unproductively worry about problems, focus your thoughts, keep that positive mindset environment and brainstorm about plans for your goals. Keep a small pad of paper and a pen in your pocket, and whenever you get a great idea, take a moment to jot it down before continuing on with your task.

Now that you have an idea of how you can use time well wasted, here is how you can create time:

  1. Get the whole family involved in chores to divide the workload and save time, ensuring you’re not doing more than your fair share.
  2. If no one in the household can mow the lawn, pay a neighbor to do it for a reasonable price, saving you time for other tasks.
  3. Instead of washing your car yourself, opt for a quick car wash to free up time for more important activities.
  4. Hire a maid for weekly cleaning to keep your home organized while freeing up your schedule for more pressing tasks.
  5. Sometimes, outsourcing tasks isn’t financially feasible, so strict time management becomes essential. Prioritize and adapt as needed.
  6. Even if you’re not naturally organized, planning is crucial for success. Without structured time management, reaching your entrepreneurial goals becomes impossible.
  7. Everyone’s time management style varies, so find what works best for you to stay productive and focused.
  8. Creating a “to-do list” helps organize daily tasks, offering a clear roadmap for what needs to be accomplished.
  9. If lists aren’t your style, use a planner or calendar to highlight urgent tasks and deadlines, keeping you on track.


  1. Prioritize tasks by distinguishing between urgent short-term needs and important long-term goals to stay productive.
  2. Flexibility is key. Follow your schedule but be prepared for unexpected disruptions, adjusting your priorities as needed.
  3. Avoid perfectionism. Focus on completing tasks rather than obsessing over small details that could waste valuable time.
  4. Identify when you work best, whether you’re an early bird or night owl, and tackle important tasks during your peak productivity hours.
  5. Learning to say “no” is essential. Prioritize your personal goals without guilt, knowing when to decline distractions.
  6. Fight procrastination by breaking large goals into manageable steps, gaining confidence with each accomplishment and staying motivated to succeed.
  7. Give yourself a break – Make sure you don’t use free time you have set aside for relaxing or rewarding yourself for a job well done to plan your goals.

It’s crucial to take time for yourself and let your mind relax and enjoy whatever you’re experiencing.

Constantly thinking about your goals can lead to obsessive behavior and unnecessary stress, which isn’t what effective goal planning is about.

Ultimately, the aim is to manage your time in a way that suits you best.

While it’s important to stick to your schedule, remember that life has its own plans and will inevitably throw unexpected challenges your way. Stay flexible, prioritize wisely, and you’ll find the time to accomplish your goals.

When building my business, one of the keys to my success was simply giving up TV. But as I achieved milestones, I rewarded myself with some uninterrupted TV time.

It’s important not to deprive yourself entirely.

Keep in mind, once you reach the point of quitting your “day job,” you’ll have more time for the things you may be sacrificing now.

Key Points to Remember:

  • Keep building your positive mindset environment.
  • Use “wasted time” to think about your goals. Keep a pen and paper with you.
  • Make time. Find ways to eliminate or reduce unnecessary activities.
  • Schedule only a maximum of 50% of your free time allowing for those
    unexpected life events.
  • There is no need to be perfect the first time round. Get going now; get the
    process of learning and making mistakes rolling.
  • Get to know your personal productive times of day and maximize those times.
  • Do it today. Procrastination is not in the entrepreneur’s vocabulary.
  • Give yourself a break – Celebrate when you achieve your goals or when
    certain tasks have been completed. You must take some time to enjoy life too.


If you have learned anything from this post, it is that you will always be successful in your endeavors as an entrepreneur when you achieve the goal of making your personal home life fulfilled and content. I have a saying that I always use: “if my wife is not happy, neither am I”.

Make sure you take care of those who are important to you otherwise becoming successful in business will be very difficult.

In order to be a successful entrepreneur you cannot ignore your personal life.

Ensure that you are personally fulfilled and happy in your relationships with those you care about and love, is what will give you the positive energy that is the fuel to make your ambitions all they can be.

You need to stay focused and keep the end in mind when planning your goals, in order to avoid becoming overwhelmed and unrealistic about the success you wish to achieve. You will accomplish this when you keep your priorities straight, accept and learn from your failures.

Remember, all of this can be achieved when you adopt the characteristics linked to the positive mindset environment of a successful entrepreneur:


You must think like a winner in order to become a winner, and you will always find success when you –

Love who you are.
Believe in yourself.
Don’t give up!

Never forget that “you will meet with much success”.

Especially with a positive mindset environment!


Discussed in the page:

  • positive mindset environment
  • positive attitude
  • certain mindset
  • good attitude
  • good mentality
  • good mindset
  • great attitude
  • level head
  • mental outlook of optimism
  • optimistic mindset
  • positive mental attitude
  • positive mentality
  • positive thinking
  • positivity
  • right attitude
  • right mindset
  • upbeat mindset
  • confidence
  • good cheer
  • optimism
  • optimistic attitude
  • positive outlook
  • positive position
  • positiveness
  • positivism
  • rose-colored glasses
  • bright outlook
  • buoyancy
  • can-do attitude
  • cheer
  • cheerfulness
  • good spirits
  • great expectations
  • hope
  • hopefulness
  • pollyanna principle
  • positive approach
  • positive perception
  • positive reaction
  • positive vision
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