*This post may contain clickable affiliate links*
Want more Traffic to your Ads?
Easy to use ‘Free Advertising For You’ system gets you more active signups, more opportunity seeking leads & more targeted traffic than just about any similar platform that I know of..
I’ve been using this very active Free Advertising System for a few years to give me traffic, more exposure to my advertised sites and some very useful marketing tools. ‘Free Advertising For You‘ is for anyone wanting to expand their advertising campaigns to widen their reach for more traffic and possible signups to their offers.
Note: I had the chance when I first signed up to get a lifetime Diamond membership for a small amount so I promptly took advantage of the offer.
You get more free advertising than the actual low cost of the upgrades, so in the end its worth doing just for the advertising you get.
Quick Overview of Free Advertising For You a.k.a ‘FAFY’
There are at least 10 different ways to advertise your site. You can expect your ads to get seen by a lot of members. They also have free tools like a promo page builder and a splash page builder. They even allow free members to earn their upgrade.
There are several good features that I use here:
- Lifetime Banner{s} — I am using 5 of these right now and love the results so far
- Solo ads take a little time to get sent out but well worth the effort
- Full Page login Ads
- Full page Surfing Ads
- Text Ads
- Featured Banner Ad with Text
All of these combined make for a good spread of potential signups to any program you would like to promote.
Inside the next 10 minutes you could be completely setup and ready to get your ads seen with this 100% FREE Advertising System. Your Member Benefits include:
- FREE lifetime access to a unique advertising system
- Ability to earn ad credits & win daily prizes for browsing ads
- Ability to create a personalized profile box with favorite links
- Ability to buy advertising with ad credits, cash or Bitcoin
- Ability to upgrade your account for more benefits & features
- FREE bonus advertising.. just for joining. Promo Code: welcome
- Plus many more features waiting for you on the inside..
You’re Minutes Away From Getting More Active Signups, More Opportunity Seeking Leads & More Targeted Traffic With This Easy To Use Advertising System. 89,246,154 Website Visits Delivered
- Over $300 In Advertising (Includes 6 Solo Ads!)
- Earn Your Pro Membership < EASY & FAST!
- 10+ Ways To Promote Your Site
- Custom Splash Page Builder
- Add Your Site To Our Login Rotator (Pro Benefit)
- Random Referrals (Pro Benefit)
- Daily, Weekly & Monthly Prizes!
- Opportunity To Join The 1K Club For Maximum Ad Exposure
- Access To Our Exclusive Team Build (Pro Benefit)
- Tips For Advertising Success
- Learn To Earn Much
- Much More!
The Goal Is Your Advertising Success!

Deeper Dive Into Free Advertising For You a.k.a ‘FAFY’
How To Succeed With ‘Free Advertising For You’
When you login and get started it can be a bit overwhelming with what you can set up so FAFY have set a page out with steps for you to follow to start getting the best out of the site. Once you sign up for free, track this page down.
The steps there are just to get you started. There is much more to FAFY than what you will learn in the steps. I encourage you to click on every link in the menu and discover everything they have to offer. It is well worth your time.
This business works but you do have to put some work in!
I have put a quick look at the steps here:
STEP 1: Grab Your Free Advertising
Claim over $50 in ads! You decide which welcome ad pack you would like. You can only choose one and once you enter the promo code the other code will not work.
STEP 2: Earn Credits & Qualify For Drawings
It’s easy and rewarding to earn credits to help you generate massive amounts of traffic to your sites. Almost every ad you click on in your back office or that you receive via email earns you credits that you can then convert to advertising.
In addition to the credits that you earn, when you perform certain tasks you also earn activity points and contest entries. All of the daily contest prizes mentioned below are chosen automatically and at random. The prizes are added to your account automatically if you are a winner and you will receive an email letting you know that you won.
3 of the weekly and Bi-Monthly contest winners are posted on the update page and have to be claimed by you. It is important to read the weekly updates to make sure you don’t miss out on a prize and to get other news about the site. The monthly contest winners are chosen on the 1st of the month automatically.
Daily Contests:
1. Login and view all 3 login ads to be entered in our nightly drawing where 3 winners are chosen to receive a prize.
2. Click on at least 25 text and/or banner ads to qualify for nightly drawing. 1 winner is chosen every night.
3. Click on at least 30 solo ads to qualify for nightly drawing. 3 winners are chosen every night.
4. Click on 15 block ads to qualify for nightly drawing. 1 winner is chosen every night.
Weekly Contests:
1. Every Tuesday the prize for clicking on 25 text and/or banner ads includes $10 in cash added to your account. We refer to this as Ten Dollar Tuesday or TDT.
2. Every Friday the prize for clicking on 15 block ads includes $5 in cash added to your account. We refer to this as Five Dollar Friday or FDF.
3. Every Tuesday all of the winners that were selected the previous 7 days for contests 1 & 2 are entered into a drawing to win $7 and 2 solo ads. The sponsor of the winner also gets this prize. The winners are announced on the weekly update page. These prizes need to be claimed by the winner. They are not automatically added to your account.
4. Every Tuesday all of the daily solo ad winners are entered into a drawing for a Mega Ad Package that includes: Your banner on the read solos page, 1 week Set And Forget Solo ad, 1 Daily Bonus Ad and more. You have to claim this prize by reading the weekly update.
5. Every Tuesday all of the daily block ad winners are entered into a drawing for 250 block ads. You have to claim this prize by reading the weekly update.
6. Every Friday there is a Newsletter Members Only drawing that has different prizes every week. This could be an upgrade, solo ads, credits, cash etc. Further information about joining the newsletter is below.
Bi-Monthly Contest:
On the 1st and 15th of every month there is a 1K club drawing for an upgrade or $45 in cash if you are a VIP member. To qualify for this drawing you just need to have earned 1000 activity points in the previous 30 days.
You have to claim this prize by reading the weekly update. Members of the 1K club also get their banners shown on the login page and on the 1K club banners page!
Monthly Contest:
On the 1st of every month there is an activity points drawing with 6 winners. The top 5 point earners win prizes PLUS there is a random drawing that anyone that has earned at least 100 activity points is eligible for. Every 100 points gives you an entry in the drawing. 500 points – 5 entries, 750 points – 7 entries etc. Top prize is $100 plus an ad package. You can see all the prizes on the activity rewards page.
STEP 3: Set Up Your Ads
After you claim the promo code mentioned in step 1 you will have some advertising available to you. Advertising can be set up on the Ads Setup/Stats page in the menu. The more ads you have listed the more often they will be shown. You can set up one ad and then use the clone option to have that ad setup multiple times. You can also set up different ads for each available slot you have. The video below shows you how you would set up text link ads. There are more videos located on the “How Do I” link in the menu to your left.
Upgrade to Pro ASAP (For FREE!)
As you have read in the previous steps, you earn activity points when you complete tasks daily. Login get 5 points, click the daily bonus link and get another 5 points. There are many ways to earn points daily and once you earn 200 points you will be upgraded to pro the next time you login.
Becoming a PRO member gives you more benefits than a free member and it doesn’t cost you one penny! A great deal if I ever heard of one.
Below is everything you get when you earn your pro membership:
- Promo Page that is promoted by admin 10,000 credits
- Add 1 site to the login rotator
- 1 Solo Ad
- 2 full page ads with 50 views each
- 2 468×60 Banners with 2,500 Views
- 2 125×125 Banners with 2,500 Views
- 2 Text Links with 2,500 Views
- Earn 20% more credits than a free member when clicking ads
- Earn more commissions than a free member – Free Members earn 25% Pro Members Earn 35%
- Eligible to receive random referrals
You can be a pro member in as little as 2 days by earning all of the activity points daily.
Once you go PRO you’ll also be able to send your solo ads out more often so getting there as soon as you can is a no-brainer for a smart marketer like you.
Join The Exclusive 1K Club (For FREE!)
It’s not called Free Advertising For You – just to get members.
Once you earn 1000 points in the previous 30 days you’ll automatically become a 1K Club member. This means you’ll be able to send your solo ads more often PLUS your banners will be rotated along with other 1K club members banners on all the best pages of the site including the login page and the 1K club banners page.
The other super benefit you get for being a 1K club member is the opportunity to win an upgraded membership or $45 in cash if you are already a VIP member. If you are a pro member you’ll be upgraded to lifetime gold and get all of the ads and benefits just like if you paid for it.
Gold members are upgraded to Diamond for life and Diamond members are upgraded to VIP for life.
Once you see the response your ads get at FAFY, you’ll want that upgrade and if you don’t want to pay for it, the only way to get it is by winning the drawing for 1K Club members held on the 1st and 15th of every month.
STEP 6: Update Your Downline Builder
These sites have generated signups so they work and that is why they are listed. By joining and adding your username, your FAFY referrals will join them under you if they are not already a member. This is an easy hands free way to build your downline in multiple programs.
All of the programs are FREE to join. If you are going to upgrade in any traffic program, upgrade to the highest level you can at FAFY before upgrading at other sites. As your business grows upgrade in other traffic programs and as your downline does the same you will develop multiple streams of income!
Upgrading at FAFY first as it is a lifetime upgrade and you don’t want to miss out on higher commissions from your future FAFY downline members upgrading! This is not a requirement, just a suggestion. Check the downline builder on a regular basis to make sure you have YOUR ID listed. You can find the link to the downline builder in the menu.
STEP 7: Update Your Profile Links
Add up to 5 of your favorite links that will be shown to your referrals on several pages of the back office. This is another way to get traffic to your favorite sites so make sure you set these up before you start promoting FAFY.
STEP 8: Promote Your ‘Free Advertising For You’ Affiliate Link
$300+ in advertising with no out of pocket. That is the same reason that others will sign up when you promote one or more of the captivating splash pages found on the Affiliate Tools/Stats page in the menu. Over 15 splash pages for you to promote. Try them all out and promote them on your favorite advertising sites and see how easy it is to build a strong downline and start earning commissions. The splash page links work the best. Promote them at other free advertising sites and to your list. Also there are banners that you can use on your own site or other sites that get great results like this one:

STEP 9: Sign up for the newsletter and get $250+ in ads
This is the big one! Instead of giving you all of the advertising up front, you get a promo code sent to your email every 21 days until you have received them all. Each email includes a solo ad so as long as you are reading the emails when they are sent you will have enough solo ads to last you a few months.
As you earn credits by logging in daily you’ll build a nice stack of credits up and then you can start buying solo ads with your credits. When you sign up for the newsletter please use a good email address and not a list address. The newsletter almost always has a promo code and is only sent a few times a week to alert you of special days at ‘Free Advertising For You’
This is not a list that is mailed multiple times a day by other members.
Eugene Uchuvatkin Says:
“This site alone has generated 50+ signups to programs I’m promoting.”
Leigh Ann Little Says:
“Free Advertising For You gets me more referrals than all other sites put together”